Wednesday, 25 December 2013


Yes, it is easy to cut electricity rate by 50%. This conclusion came in a discussion with the experts on the eve of Consumer Day i.e. 24th Dec at Institution of Engineers, Nagpur. Various experts were present in the discussion, including those consumer affair, electric generation, distribution, representing consumer side at Electricity Regulatory Board. 

It's a political-technical nexus drafted intelligently to exploit consumers. The political leadership busy in eating out capital of electricity, realized that they will not be able to suck consumers blood for a long time. Because whenever they were increasing electricity rate they were cursed by the people. Which was also not good for their political career. Therefore in the name of bringing more transparency to the consumers, they drafted legislation for the constitution of Electricity Regulatory Commission. An independent body to look in to the affairs of consumers and electricity generators, distributors. It is shown that the govt. have to do nothing, it is in between consumer and supplier. In case of any grievance, one who feel problem can approach ERC. It is completely ignored that in India how consumer can fight a legal battle with a commercial institution. How an illiterate consumer will be able to quote various sections of the ERC law and scrutiny of the account containing thousands of pages, prepared by those expert in this field. In short illiterate consumer is entrusted with the responsibility of defending himself in the court of law, by challenging generation cost, distribution expenses, transit loss and various other technical, economical and legal aspects. One can make it out what kind of transparency is awarded to the consumers by en-thrusting ERC regulation. In a way sheep (consumer) is thrown before lion with a warning of defending himself. Not only ERC but all other regulatory bodies created in the name of safe guarding consumer interests are biggest source of consumer exploitation. Actually these institutions are created for adjusting the beurocrates after retirement and have nothing to do with the consumers interest.

In the discussion it came on the surface that though these electric companies have outstanding of several thousand crores on government and other big consumers. In case this revenue is made available to the electric company by clearing outstanding. Electric company will come out of red easily, without increasing rate of the electricity. But to hatch consumer is an easy option. Therefore instead of going for this tough option of making recovery of their money from the government and other prosperous companies in the shelter of politicians. ERC always permits tariff increase one, two three and even four time in a year. How one can go against their masters, it is tough. Consumer is easily available.

Generation is the other area, where plants are working at lower capacity. Using costly imported coal as a fuel to serve interests of certain blocks. Purchasing of the electricity at higher rate. Even if the power is available at cheaper rate rules are drafted so that they have to go for costlier options. In a way all monopolistic practices are in practice to sell electricity to the consumers at exorbitant rates.

Distribution is another area where electricity bills are drafted in such a way that one has to apply his all skills for understanding calculations made in the bill. Even then it is not easy for him to understand it. Consumers are again exploited in the name of transition loss. Though standard norms are there but suppliers need not to care for it as his interests are well protected by the ERC. 

It is not possible to go for any reduction in electricity cost, unless these ERC's are scraped. Level field is given to all private operators for distributing electricity generated by them. One thing to remember consumer elects his representatives for his protection. It is duty of the elected representative to safeguard his interests from all odds. Not to ask him to protect his interests by going through complicated legal procedures.

One thing emerged in the discussion clearly that it is easy to bring down cost of the electricity, if interruption of ERC's is eliminated, electricity companies are forced to perform, the payment from the government and political patronized companies are regularized. 

Wednesday, 30 October 2013


Akhil Bhartiya Grahak Panchayat strongly condemns the round of news spread by the government through media for Rs.5/- increase in Diesel price. It has become strategy of the government to spread news like this through various agencies working under them.At a time when they are not easy with the political environment in the country.  It is quite surprising that at a time when crude prices are at its lowest in the world market. Government is thinking of increasing price of these commodities.We are observing since long that when ever congress government start feeling any political uneasiness. It spreads news like this to divert attention of the consumers from the main problems. Instead of discussing laxity and failure of the government majority consumers, change course of their discussion, because of such explosions.

Now -a-days two main issues are in the air. Growth of IM modules in the country. And If Sardar Patel would have become first Prime Minister of the country. In the present environment government do not want any of the two to be the subject of discussion. That is why government is trying to explode the bomb of price rise. Discussion on strengthening of the IM module brings out impression in the public that government has soft stand on IM, because of appeasement policy. We have experience of the history of the bomb explosions by the terrorists and reaction of the various political parties in the past. Recent explosions of during Patna rally of Modi, has sparked a debate in the country. That how an outfit of terrorist can become so strong, in an important state. That it can carry out serial blasts in such a huge quantity, in the capital city of a state, during a rally supposed to be organised under tight security cover. Not only that forces continue to get live bombs, even after 3rd day of the rally. 

The very same state refuse to take custody of main terrorist of the same outfit few days back. So much explosives were transported to the capital city and the rally ground. People of the state can easily feel how safe they are. If this discussion goes on with the public, not only state government but the center government will definetly come under fire. The ire is increasing in the public. 

The second one is about Sardar Patel. Most of the countrymen knew that how the Sardar had handled the situation of various states like Hyderabad, Bhopal, Rampur and Junagarh, when they were not ready for the merger with India.The only state Kashmir not handled by the Sardar is still posing a problem for the country. Both the issues can become a problem for the party ruling at the center. To divert attention of the consumers from these issues, the government is bringing up the steep increase in Diesel price, just ahead of a festival. 

Consumers have not recovered from the increase in REPO rate by the RBI, two days ago. Which is going to make a dig in to the pocket of the consumers. Now it has come up with the idea of increasing the price of Diesel. Diesel is the life line of the nation any increase in its price, effects price of each and every commodity badly. Diesel mostly used by the farmers and transporters. At this stage consumer are not 
ready for any increase in the price of these commodities  AKHIL BHARTIYA GRAHAK PANCHAYAT warns government to stay away from any such increase. And appeal to each and every consumer of the country to give a be fitting lesson to the political parties in the government and supporting the government. 

Tuesday, 29 October 2013


Congress or any other organisation in the country can not shy away from the questions like Narendra Modi tossed in his speech, when sharing Dias with the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. That had Sardar become first Prime Minister of India. Picture and fate of the country would have been different. The reply of the Prime Minister that Sardar was from the same congress, which he represents can not be treated as be fitted reply. I would not go in to the details of history and the divisions congress had faced during the preceding years after 1947. But I am of the opinion that no one can be stopped from opening up of such debates. Every citizen of the country has right of making assessment and taking stock of such situations in the country, after laps of a period. Specially in the cases like Sardar Patel, who was completely ignored from his so called disciples for a long period. He was only remembered and become so much important when Modi prime ministerial candidate of BJP started using his name.

Historians often ask counter factual questions to figure out how history could have evolved differently . While making such assessment people take account of different qualities of the persons and turn out of the situations. Personalities, knowledge, acceptability and level of sacrifice they are ready to make for the country, may also be taken in to account. Different opinion may come out. One may like someone, while other the other one. But in democracy like ours it is quite fair to go through such debates. Peoples learn for future, out of it and realize the mistakes and positive contributions of a person. Capability of such person in  Industrial, home, foreign, education and economic policies can definitely show a way to the country. And in process if any one feels some one better over the other, it may be his choice. If Congress is not if favor of such debates. They can move to a side but can not stop the country from going for it.

I wonder and feel pity to the friends of Congress. Who probably not gone through the book written by historian Ramchandra Guha named “Patriots and Partisans”. Other wise they would have come out on leaps and bounds. In the book Ramchandra Guha asks and answers one such question in an essay titled “A Short History of Congress Chamchagiri”. In this essay Guha briefly discuss what would have happened if Lal Bahadur Shastri, the second prime minister of India, had lived little longer. Shastri died on January 11, 1966, after serving as the prime minister for a little over 19 months.

The political future of India would have evolved very differently had Shastri lived longer, feels Guha. As he writes “Had Shastri lived, Indira Gandhi may or may not have migrated to London. But even had she stayed in India, it is highly unlikely that she would have become prime minister. And it is certain that her son would have never have occupied or aspired to that office….. Sanjay Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi would almost certainly still be alive, and in private life. The former would be a (failed) entrepreneur, the later recently retired airline pilot with a passion for photography. Finally had Shastri lived longer, Sonia Gandhi would still be a devoted and loving housewife, and Rahul Gandhi perhaps a middle-level manager in a private sector company.”

Our’s is a democratic country. And we should put forward our ideas. At the same time we should respect the ideas put by the other person. We may agree or disagree to that, but it is a process go on moving in a democratic country.


Thursday, 24 October 2013


We were able to achieve higher GDP growth in service sector during the economic liberalization period from 1991 to 2007 at 7.81%, in comparison to 6.33% pre liberalization period only because affordable education facilities available for the youths belonging to middle class in the country. When information technology industry emerged. Our educated youth force was ready to take the challenge from the world. The increase in GDP in service sector was the contribution of this youth force, as a result of the growing software market. Our educated youth force has taken up the challenge and contributed in the positive growth of GDP in service sector. It was only possible because we were having large chunk of qualified programmers readily available for the world market. Availability of ample human resource is the positive sign for growth. India is having worlds largest youth power and this power can be easily converted in to an important asset. But to convert this youth force in to an asset for the development of the country, we need proper education facilities to train this force in a proper direction. With the rich experience of the past, when our youth force had picked up the challenge of proving its worthiness to the world software market. Unfortunately we have given up those lines in the field of education.

Earnings are necessary for economic growth. Earnings comes through salary/wage, profit earned in business, interest earned on investment and rent realized for a property. All four gradients are closely linked with the growth of industrial, agricultural and service sector. If we want to go for higher GDP growth. We should have target of growing in all these sectors with the help of quality inputs. It is proved time and again that the most important input required for the growth is human resource. We need properly trained and qualified personnel for the Industry, to give quality out put with cost effectiveness. So that we can compete in the world market in this era of globalization. We need qualified agriculturist to work in our fields. They will help in increasing GDP in this sector. Which is required to feed our population. This sector can not afford to be ignored. We are aware of the principle of Thomos Malthas,"growth in production in agriculture is in simple propagation, where as population growth is in geometrical propagation". Therefore we need effective human resource input in this sector, to keep ourselves self sufficient. Story of service sector every one knows. Therefore we should built a strong education system, which can develop quality human resource in all the sectors for the development. And finance should not become any hurdle in the development of this class. As India is the youngest country in the world, our educated class of youths can easily face the challenges of running the systems not only in India but in the world. We all know, it is not possible to prepare force of educated youths overnight. It takes years, right from the primary education to highly skilled professional courses. Any country wishing to develop can not afford to ignore these hard core realities. And if any, is certainly day dreaming and fooling it's people.

Unfortunately this important social aspect of development is completely ignored in India. In recent years education right from the primary level to the professional level is highly commercialized. The cost of education right from primary level is increased many folds. It is going out from the reach of the poor & middle class society. Which constitute 85% population of the country.Education institutions are completely turned in to highly commercialized business institutions. Fee structure of these educational institutions is far from the reach of the common man. We are going for a war without ammunition. Government's (Center & State) are completely neglecting these important aspects and playing role of mute spectators. Though some of them are trying to show that they are the most caring and distributing laptops, bicycles and other materials to the students for the simple reason of gaining popularity to win the election. But no one is taking care of the condition of school buildings, quality of teachers, presence of teachers, quality of education these schools are giving to the students. This important sector required for the economic growth is neglected.

Actually political class in the country is looking at this important sector as an opportunity to earn money. That is why they wish that the government should not improve education system in the country. And they continue to be the absolute owner of this heavily commercialized sector. Not only that they have introduced the systems of giving admission to the candidates, who can bring in large amount of money for them. This is hampering the quality of professionals in the country at one hand, where as driving the large share of the population out. That is why education institutions run by the government, are cursed to remain in poor state. And the influential political class is busy in developing this new area of business and commercializing it. Political class in the country is not leaving any stone unturned for exploiting benefits to be given to this social cause from the government treasury. That too in the name of social upliftment, at the cost of the taxpayers, by grabbing land at heavy concessional price, various subsidies. No business can be so lucrative as education is, because here you need to invest very little to churn heavy profits. This has completely changed the direction of education system, and turned it in to heavy commercial activity. This is quite unfortunate that any voice against the present system, never reaches to the deaf ears of the government. If any, they are ready to compare this cost with the western developed world. Easily forgetting that poverty line in those country is not Rs. 26/- & Rs. 32/- and that those country do not need Food Bill for feeding 65% population. The way government is subsidizing food in the country, it need to subsidize education. Because Nation & Society will be the ultimate gainer

Thursday, 29 August 2013


      Since I joined Akhil Bhartiya Grahak Panchayat, about 30 years back. I started thinking what a Grahak need. What are his expectations. What happens when we can say he is not exploited.
This question I asked from number of consumers and consumer activist. There were different opinions, different expectations. Out of all these revelations, what I could gather is that a consumer want, he should be able to procure all essential commodities (eatables) for his family at affordable price. This word "affordable" carries different meaning for different consumers.  Apart from essential commodities he should also get clothing, housing education and medical services within his financial reach. These are minimum requirements of a consumer. He would also like to save something out of it for the security of his future and to spend some amount on lavish articles for the upliftment of his living standard. So, these are the requirements of most of the consumers, and the consumer should get all these commodities at proper price, therefore most of the consumer organisation concentrate their work around it. They are fighting manufacturers, traders and government to make the commodities / services available to the consumers. And that the commodities and services should be defect free. We all say that consumer is an essential part of the economy, he is the king, but here we are missing one important link. We all know that economy does not work without money. Even if we ignore to define the term affordable in quantum. We can not ignore that consumer needs money for purchasing his requirements. In absence of money consumer will not be able to purchase any of the commodity / service said earlier. Where the money will come from.  Because we are ignoring this that is why millions of consumers in our country are not able to afford even food. We as a consumer activist and member of Akhil Bhartiya Grahak Panchayat can not ignore it. Consumer should not only get essential commodities / services at proper price but he should also get sufficient money to purchase it. This is the point where consumer movement starts. If consumer do not have money to purchase a commodity, what is the sense in fighting for the price at which it should be sold.

Money in the pocket of a consumer, means purchase power. Here the economics starts. Better will be the purchase power of the consumer, better will be the condition of the economy and better will be the standard of living of the consumer. These are integral activities of the consumer movement.  Beside the  consumer should get correct commodity at correct price, the consumer movement should take care for the standard of living of the consumer. It should not be like that the consumer is exhausting his entire money on a limited commodities by paying hefty profits to the other components of the economy. It should be maintained that the fruit of growth of the economy are equally distributed among all constituents of the economy. Now where the money in the pocket of the consumer comes from. It is an important question. In any type of economy the money in the pocket of consumer comes from 4 ways. First the SALARY he earns against a job he is performing. Second is by RENTING out a plant, land or premises, Third one is the PROFIT he earns out of economic activities he performs and the fourth or last one is the INTEREST he earns on the money he gives to some one for use. The money earn through the four routes, runs the economy. The more will be the flow of this money earn,healthier will be the economy of the country. Better will be the standard of living of the consumers. But a perfect balance is to be maintained in all these four ingredients. In absence of the balance, there will be numerous problems. It is the duty of the state to maintain it and the consumer movement to put a check on it. 

Now it comes how  a Consumer earns money out of it, i.e. Salary, Rent, Profit & interest. Consumer needs various articles for consumption as well as for other use. All these articles are manufactured in Industries. Money and land are required to open up an industry. Those who provide land, gets rent, those who provide money earns interest, those manage industry earns profit and those who work in the Industry earns salary. Money so earned is spent in the market for purchasing requirements. More the money will reach in the hand of the consumer, more he will spent in the market. This spending of money by the consumer in the market will create  increase in demand and to meet the demand more Industries will come up, more consumers will get a job, more the money will go in the hand of the consumers. This way cycle works. The total sale of goods and services in the country is called as GDP of the country. More the money will land in the hand of consumers, more he will purchase, more units are required to complete his demand, more employment will  be generated.  In present day economics GDP of a nation is regarded as a development scale of that country. Higher GDP growth is considered as a higher economical growth of that country. 

GDP of a nation grow in three sectors, Agriculture, Industrial and Service. A country like India have an advantage to grow in all the three sectors. Beside it help in growing more it also works as a shock absorber in case of some adversaries in any sector. GDP growth of our country was 5.38% in 1990's, which rose to 6.23 % during 1991 to 2007. A mere growth of 0.81 % is observed. Where as it was propagated from all the platforms that we have achieved some miracle during the period 1991 to 2007. If we analyze it, more worst will come to the forefront. In the agriculture sector we have performed negative during 1991 to 2007. Our GDP was 3.39% in this sector before 1991, where as we could achieve only 2.77% GDP growth in agriculture sector during the year 1991 to 2007. Similarly on Industrial front the data coming are not encouraging. During the period 1991 to 2007 we achieved GDP growth only 6.15% against the 6.72 % of GDP growth prior to 1991. Here also we are on negative side. The only one sector where we have performed is service sector, where GDP grew from 6.33% before 1991 to 7.81% during 1991 to 2007. We can not take this figure encouraging as we know it is the outcome of increase in export in software sectors. Where we were having matchless  intelligence  of trained software engineers. As this export grew, a lot of foreign exchange started pouring in our country. And a neo rich i.e. Higher middle class started emerging. To match the requirement of this higher middle class, new banks, insurance, hotels and tourist organisations are developed. But this superficial development is also not expected to go long. And a downtrend started in this sector after 2007.

Serious concern is non performance of our economy in Industrial sector. Where we have opened all type of facilities. In order to increase our production in this sector we opened up import of Capital Goods, which went on increasing like anything after NDA regime, ruining almost all foreign reserves. Creating a major crisis of Balance of Payments. The figures are self explanatory, how our capital goods import increased, and it has contributed nothing to GDP. This smells some wrong, which should be looked seriously. Capital goods import was $10 billion during 2004 -05 NDA regime,it rose to $25.5 billion during 1st year, to $38 billion during 2nd year,  to $47 billion during 3rd year,  to $70 billion during 4th year,  to $72 billion during 5th year,  to $66 billion during 6th year,  to $79 billion during 7th year,  to $99 billion during 9th year. A hovering import of $587 billion in 9 years.Against this heavy import the GDP growth was 11.5% during first 4 year rule of UPA, came down to less then 5% during the next 5 years of their rule and in 2012 -13 it is only peanuts 2.9%. It's behavior is just  reverse to what experts believe, that import of capital goods is a sign of Vibrant Economy. Though it is advertised that Crude oil and Gold imports are liable for the bad shape of balance of payment. Crude import is the one, no doubt. But one can not believe that the Government was not having any clue that 80% of the required crude we are importing. And we are making payment for this import in Dollars. Any Government will try to ensure control on this import and measures so that it should not effect our economy adversely. When coming to Gold import. It is true, every consumer know that rising inflation is contributing negative growth to his capital and saving. It is natural that under the circumstances investors will try to secure their savings, that is why they are converting it in gold. But we should also remember that our country is in the field of jewelry export. And the export in this account has contributed $251 billion against the Gold import of $402 billion during 9 year regime of UPA. Therefore deficit in this account during 9 years is only $161 billion. Could not be termed as alarming as advertised. One can ensure its contribution in present crisis. Actually Government is trying to hide its failure. And they know that common public is not aware of all these facts.Therefore by making wrong and confusing statements they are trying to mislead consumers.

           In a country like India with 10.2 million population. Spread over a large geographical area with different cultural, economic background and concerns. This European model of economy, which has failed several time, will not work. When it was not able to carter small population in those countries, how it can work in a big country like India.Such concerns were made in 1991, when Manmohan Singh started proceeding on these lines, but he did not listen to it. A model which could not maintain economic growth in  America and other European countries, how can work in India. We ignored that  Americans followed it during the year 1870 to 1929 by keeping the growth rate 3.5%. Development in the economy was very fast. Even working hours were reduced from 60 to 44 per week. Share market boom was there. $1000 invested in the year 1921 grown to $20,000 by 1928. But what happened on 24th October, which is still  remembered by Americans as Black Thursday, share market came down, wealth equivalent to $3000 crores, vanished in just 1 week. By the year 1932 cost of a share was just 20% what it was in 1929. What happened to GNP by the year 1932 it reduced by 32%. In the year 1933, out of 25,000 banks, 11000 american banks pulled down their shutters. American GNP which was $10,400 in 1929 came down to $5,600 in 1933.  Unemployment rate increased to 25% by 1933. We are not discussing American recession in 2008, this was another one.

We should not forget conditions and nightmares consumer face during recession,  unfortunately it has started in India, if not started is not far off.We should not forget that our economy is not as sound as that of America or other western countries. 67% of our population need economic assistance to quench its hunger. Therefore it is beyond imagination what will be the condition of consumers, it will be furious. Examples of other countries during recession send chilling sensation to our bones. In 1923 when recession started in Germany after First world war, 1 loaf of bread was costing 20,000 Marks to the consumers. What ever consumers used to get out of 1 mark in 1918 started costing 72 corore 60 lakh Mark during 1923. The condition was that worst that it was cheaper to burn Mark instead of wood, as a fuel. In Hungary after second world war inflation was at the rate of (4.19X 10 to the power 16)%. Not far away in 1960 in Indonesia inflation was increasing @60% per month or we can say @1000% per year. In the year 2005, Turkey had started new LIRA, and this new 1 Lira was converted against 1 lakh old Lira. Situation is alarming and what we have done in 1991 by opening our economy,by giving economic control in the hand of multinationals partly. We are ready to give complete economic control in the hand of foreign institutions by opening 100% FDI almost in all the sectors.

Thursday, 15 August 2013


Consumer Movement is passing through a crucial moment. Whenever, anywhere anyone is talking about it. His views are restricted up to the sale or purchase of goods or services. Or the laws related to these goods and services. Consumers are facing limited problems at  market place. One can also hear problems related to Consumer Protection Act. It is also discussed. It is observed that the Consumers are not easy with the consumer Fora's, now a days. When Akhil Bhartiya Grahak Panchayat started working on this Act. in 1980's. We were afraid of it. As results of the Labor Act. and Labor Court's was in sight. We were aware that the consumer problem is a social problem and that Manufacturer, trader and consumer are part of the society . Cordial atmosphere should be maintained. Therefore interests of all the segment should be looked properly. That is why the Grahak Panchayat was interested in giving the shape of social platform, to these quasi judicial institutions. When we had discussions with Late Prime Minister Rajeev Gandhi, during his first visit to Nagpur, after his entry in to politics at the residence of Mr. Vilas Muttemwar, MP Congress. We expressed our concern. He agreed to it and instructed the then Food and Civil Supply Minister Late Shri H K L Bhagat. Mr. Bhagat kept the promise made by Rajeev Gandhi to Grahak Panchayat at the time of drafting the Act. The Act was passed in the manner Grahak Panchayat asked. Cheap and speedy justice to the consumers.  Two social workers were made members of the forum, along with the President. Out of which one member should compulsorily be a women, because women's are more sensitive about market issues. The decision taken by majority was made admissible. Unfortunately these consumer fora's deviated from the original track, they were given to follow. Slowly slowly consumer fora's are transforming in to civil courts. And out of frustration with this change in behavior and attitude of the consumer fora's. Consumers are going away from this medium of consumer justice. Anyway working of the consumer fora's is not a part of our discussion here. We are discussing that in the opinion of the people consumer movement have limitations to move in and around sale/purchase of goods/services. No one can deny that this is also important, and the consumer activists should concentrate on it. But this activity, though it is of vital importance have a very limited role in the consumer movement. As the rules and plan for consumer exploitation are framed much earlier, even before goods and services enter in to the market. Market have a very limited role to play in the area of consumer protection. And those who are mainly responsible for consumer exploitation are left Scot free.

Akhil Bhartiya Grahak Panchayat is working in this field since long, even before inception of the consumer protection Act. Our concept is very clear. Before proceeding further let me clear, that we are of the opinion that all the segments should be given due importance, along with the consumer for the growth of the economy. No one should be given extra weight-age over other. Fair trade practices should be adopted. Unfortunately it is not happening in the world. In the name of the market forces experts and those in power are fooling consumers. As said earlier market have a very limited role to play. Prices at which a commodity or service should be sold is decided not in the market but some where else. And heavy profit margins are included in it. Though a number of choices are available in the market for the consumers but the competition is completely eliminated. This is the root cause for the consumer exploitation. Heavy profit margins, in absence of the pricing policy, gives free hand to the manufacturers and traders, to compel the consumers to cough out hefty profit margins for them. Government instead of helping the consumers, is only adding woes to the consumers, by charging very high rates of taxes on these products and services. Inclusion of service in to indirect tax had increases 15 to 20 % financial burden on the consumers.  The market have very limited role to play, only responsible to change a faulty article, or act properly when selling a service.Therefore consumer movement should also include those in to their ambit, who are deciding the cost at which goods and services are to be sold in the market at excessive margins (i.e. MRP). Grahak Panchayat is working on it. Time and again we are raising our voice against it, we are arranging programme on this subject to educate the consumers. We are aware that the forces involved in these areas are big. Have enough money to change the conditions in the market. Have their great influence in the Govt. to dictate their terms. Consumer can only be saved from exploitation of these forces by educating and uniting. Consumers are emptying their pocket, since morning till evening in full filling the greed of these manufacturers and traders.

We are of the opinion that in the root of the consumer exploitation is in the process of decision making that a particular commodity is to be sold at what price to the consumer. MRP is labeled here, dealer and the market is forced to follow it. Therefore it is important to understand the process, how prices of a commodity is fixed. It is vague to term economic factors, as decisive factors of price fixing in the market. We are aware that corporate sector have enough money to regulate the conditions in their favor. Right from slowing down the production to making cartel for controling market conditions. Economic rules are only
visible effective only in the rural market. Where agricultural products are sold.  Principles of demand and supply are only applicable there. In this area big traders are moulding conditions in their favor with the support of technology, to prolong the perishable products for a time suitable to earn hefty profits. Consumer is left at the mercy of these market controling forces. In absence of pricing policy, government have no control on it. Instead if you have a look at the tax proposals of the Government, you will find it adding fuel to the woes of the consumer. Hefty amount of taxes are imposed. Whenever government feels pinch of fund shortage, it increases taxes, anywhere anytime. Without considering the effect of tax rise on the consumers.  Government, instead of spending this tax amount for the benefit of the consumers, utilizing this amount for their political interests. Some government is distributing LapTops, some one is distributing bicycles or other items, only to please a small section of consumers. At the cost of larger chunk of the consumers, who has paid this money.  Consumers should understand this. They can question governments framing these policies, based on the money paid by him. Unfortunately consumer is not aware of this right, one side he is finding it difficult to adjust heavy price rise for his survival  On the other side government is making use of this money at places it is not necessary.

Corporates are dictating their terms with the support of huge funds available with them and Government, policies supporting them in the market. The consumer is forced to cough out money as per their demand. There is no control, these big corporates with the help of big traders are are ruling market. Can you imagine  farmers are only paid Rs.15 to 20 for 1 Kg. of apple in Himanchal. Think what cost you are paying. Forget the price given to the farmer for potato and onion. Similarly when ever it comes to industrial products, MRP is fixed and printed at 100 % to 1000%  of the cost of the production. Apart from framing polices which help these corporate and big traders Government is charging heavy tax from the consumers, for giving benefits in the form of different assistance to these big industrialists. Now it has gone further in distributing the money extorted from the consumers, to the selected sections of the society. Instead of spending it on infrastructure and development of the nation. It seems that now the country will starve for developmental program in need of money or the consumers will be forced to cough out more money.  Believe it, if MRP is regulated and rules are formed for deciding and printing of it. And the Government charge justified tax from the consumers. The consumers are going to get a big relief from exploitation and price inflation..

Akhil Bhartiya Grahak Panchayat is serious about this part of the consumer movement , along with day to day exploitation consumers at market place. The need is, to educate consumers . 
Let the consumer know who is doing what. Believe, once consumer is well informed informed, he is capable of taking his care at his own.

Thursday, 18 July 2013


Once my father told me story of a Saint, living in a jungle, far away from the village, devoting all his time in prayers and meditation. Villagers use to visit him frequently, for his discourses. One morning when he was changing dhoti, the only fabric he was using. He noticed some ratted holes in the dhoti. The holes were caused by chewing of the dhoti by rat. This incident increased the worries of the saint. He kept on thinking it all the day, what is to be done. When villagers came in the evening for discourse, they saw the worried saint. They kept on asking the saint, reason for his worry. After too much compulsion the saint repeated the story. They suggested the saint of taming a cat, Cat can easily take care of the Rat, the saint was told. After some resistance the saint gave node for it. Next morning the villagers arranged for a cat. Cat started moving in the Ashram, but started mewing after some time out of hunger, disturbing the saint who was in meditation. Again this new problem was discussed and the solution came in the form of a cow to feed the cat. The cow was brought in the Ashram. Every thing was well, but the saint was busy with the cow and cat for most of the time, not having sufficient time for the prayers and meditation, which was taken by him as a purpose of life. This was a big problem for the saint, it was again discussed and the decision for keeping a maid, who could take care of cat & cow and will make the saint free for his daily routine.The maid is arranged, she started taking care of the cat & cow. she was comforting the saint also by making arrangements for him. The Ashram got converted in to a family house. One fine morning when the saint was sitting for his meditation, this thought came in his mind and he started thinking, how it started. The solution for the problem of ratted Dhoti, has changed whole purpose and motive of his life. Such is our Mid Day Meal Scheme. Started for the welfare of children, have become cage of corruption. You turn any stone you will find only and only corrupt inhuman norms in it.

Mid day meal started in the year 2006, with a golden motif. But it is not different from the story of the saint. Worst part of it, no one is there to take care of it. After the unfortunate incident of Chapara, all the officials and the machinery involved in the implementation of this scheme, and was supposed to be taken to the task, is moving freely. And everyone is just beating the bush, passing the buck. No one is ready to look at the origin of the problem. We all will be surprised 
to know, that 50% of the amount allocated for this scheme is preserved for the MONITORING, EVALUATION & MANAGEMENT of the scheme, as per circular no. F.1-15/2009-Desk (MDM) dated 21.06.2010. What this white elephant machinery, gulping 50% amount of the scheme was doing, is it not there responsibility,  are they not guilty, should they not to be punished. Why no one is talking for them.

Provision made in the Mid Day Meal Scheme is to give 100 gms. of food grain, 20 gm pulse, 50 gm vegetables, 5 gm oil & fat and Salt & condiments as per requirement for the children studying in Primary and 50% additional quantity of each item for the upper primary children. The schools were given 50% of the fund allocated in the scheme out of which Rs.2.50 per meal for a primary child and 3.75 for the upper primary child is preserved and spent by the schools . And this cost is inclusive of pulses, vegetables, oil & fat, salt and condiments and fuel. Balance grant out of 50% share of the schools. Schools are permitted to spent on Forms, stationary, soaps,plates, glasses, mats, training of cooks, repair & maintenance of cooking vessels etc. These provisions are made in the circular no. F.1-1/2009-Desk (MDM) dated 24.11.2009.

I am sure everyone will understand, why I am calling this scheme as taming of White Elephant. More then 75 % of the money allocated for children is spent for  managing  the scheme. Share of child is only Rs.2.50 in the money allocated. One can easily imagine, what quality of food children are served. That is why, every now and then we are observing the complaints of insects and rotten food, almost from every part of the country. Even Rs. 2.50 are not spent on the meal articles honestly. If a thorough inquiry is conducted you will find many many loo poles and corruption in the scheme, right from the procurement of the food grains, up to cooking and serving the meals to the children. It happened with me, when I inquired with some of the schools. Off the record they are telling that apart from the quality of food grains they are supplied, it is not easy for them to get their share of money, without paying bribes to the officials. There are two opinions about the quality of food grains, one is complaining for the quality, other is blaming school management, for disposing good quality food grain in the market and procuring lowest quality from the market for children. On asking how they are managing and cooking the meal. They told, it is impossible for them to manage meals with the money they receive after bribing. They compensate it by showing additional strength of the children, they get additional quantity of food grain. This additional quantity of the food grain, and some saving they make in cooking the food by putting less quantity then the allocated, which they sell in the market. The total amount received so, they are managing the things. This is what they have told, we can make it easily, that they are also not innocent as they are posing. They are also engaged in making money out of it. Deteriorating the quality of the food further.

Coming to the solution part of it. We are too much dependent on the government and its machinery. We are not reacting to the evils happening in the society. I am not asking to open fight in every walk of the society.Government machinery can not solve  the problems, unless it is hammered. Take the unfortunate incident of Chapara, find out and punish corrupt machinery, but is it going to solve the problem. For some time, officials will feel the heat, then they will return to normal. Even today you go and check Mid day meal served around your area, it will not be difficult for you to find insects and bad smell in the meal. 

I am of the opinion that Good things can never comes in the life of a sleeping society. We have social groups, bahajan mandals, senior citizen groups, environment protection groups and several other groups, almost in all the parts of the country. Is there any other more important work then this. Which is going to save future of the nation. Resist whenever, wherever you find any wrong by making representations through delegations, writing letters to media & concerned departments and officials, making complaints in media including social one, holding demonstration in front of the schools and officials. This is the only way of implementing this and several social welfare schemes in the country successfully.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013


It was always a cause of concern for Indian Economy, whether we go for FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) or not and in case we opt it, in how much percentage. The issue was in demand of a large scale debate in the country. Instead of inviting a debate on the issue. The Government went on advocating for it with all their available resources. Unfortunately our rulers came forward on the issue with a prejudice mind. That is why they never opened a discussion on it, in the country. This is because  for unknown reasons, they were always soft on FDI. 

Several times the issue of FDI came before the country. Some country men were not in favor of it. But their thought were never given a patient and justified hearing. Most of the people must not have forgotten, that when Government was in the process of inviting FDI in some sectors like Single Brand Retail & Multi Brand Retail. Economic recession was in the worst of it,in US and Europe  And our Government was receiving threats from the various international institutions and countries, for not taking adequate measures for adoption of open economy. So that large business houses can start their free business in India. And wipe out most of the middle and small size entrepreneurs of the country. They call it, "economic reforms"  in their 
language . This was the period when economist of the country were worried, and asking the 
Government to take measures, so that we can survive from the effects of economic recession, western world was facing. This was not a vague thought. After taking several steps in the name of economic reforms, effect of economic recession in the western world was unavoidable for the country. It seems that the Government was having second thought in their mind. That is why they went on telling the people of the country that under the rule of Great Economist, we achieved high levels of economy. Our economy is stable and able to sustain effects of western recession easily. They did nothing.

Their in activeness proved very very costly to the country. Slowly slowly our currency started loosing in comparison with the Dollar in the international market. In spite of fall in the price of Rupee, we have not gone for any measures, to curb it. Instead Government went on telling the people that the problem is because we Indian go for excessive purchasing of the gold. Don't know their intention behind this mis advertisement.

Is not Government contradicting its own remark's. At one side they are telling people that recession in the rupee is out of purchase of excessive Gold from the international market. On the other side they are telling people that Three Fourth population of the country, is not able to feed themselves, need support of the Government to fill their belly. And that for the purpose it is essential for the Government to bring Food Safety Bill, to feed these people. This is the strong argument of the Government that the bill can not wait and this is their compulsion to bring it foin the form of an Ordinance. Even wait for a month is undesirable, to discuss it in the Parliament, as per demand of all political parties. Who would agree, that the population able to disturb balance of payment by making purchases in the Gold, need Government assistance to feed themselves immediately. 

The Government was in favor of FDI in all the sectors, they were under pressure from the international institutions. That is why they have not cared for the fall of Rupee, kept on sitting silently. Waiting for the worst to come. When worst is there, instead of fighting it back, they surrendered by inviting huge amount of FDI in almost all the sectors. Effect of FDI on the country is discussed time and again, need not to be repeated. Only time to come will tell. But one 
thing is certain, so many promises given by the Government for improvement of the economy, proved wrong. This heavy increase in FDI is also going to prove suicidal for the country, in time to come. But it is our destiny.

Friday, 5 July 2013


A fortnight ago, I was talking to my friend. During conversation he revealed that gold earrings of her wife got worn out. These earrings were presented to the lady on the occasion of her wedding, some 25 years ago, by her sister-in-law.He thought of remaking it. Therefore discussed it with a friend, who is in the business of jewelry making. His friend told that the earrings worth is not more then Rs.20/-, as the same was made out of brass. My friend resisted that how it could be as the same was presented by his sister. But the goldsmith, said, it is. Shocked with the revelation of truth after 25 years, my friend think of consulting some other one. It was to his utter surprise that second man repeated the same thing. Friend was in dilemma, how to disclose to the sister, if he did not, his sister purchasing all her family jewelry, from the same shop, may be in deep water. After a deep thought he revealed it to her sister. She was also shocked, but told the friend to give those earring to him and she will discuss it with the shop owner she is making all jewelry purchases since last 30 years. It was a pleasant surprise to the sister that the shop owner returned entire amount of the gold earrings. Even before his sister could open her mouth and any discussion regarding the quality of gold.

How it could be, two dealers are making statement that the ornament is of brass, whereas the original seller is accepting them as gold, without any discussion. This clearly indicate that something fishy is going in the gold ornament market and the interests of the consumers are at stake. Akhil Bhartiya Grahak Panchayat is taking up the matter for standardization of gold ornaments since long. In the year 2000, Hall Mark stamping introduced by the BIS on voluntary basis, it worked as third party assurance. Caratometer were also introduced by some of the dealers in the market to measure purity of the Gold. But steps were not of much use, since unscrupulous traders continue to perform in the gold market. After a long chase the cabinet ministry approved the amendment in the BIS Act for making the provisions of Hall mark mandatory for all Gold Dealers. 

Even if the provision of Hall Marking mad mandatory for the Gold Ornaments/ Articles. It is necessary for the consumers to understand some basics of this trade. So that their investment in gold fetch them proper price, in the need of the hour.

Firstly the specifications for gold jewelry/articles fineness and marking were published in 1959, later on, these specifications revised in 1971, 1981 &1999. These specifications are based on the standards for manufacturers mark, details of purity/ fineness, followed in the world. 

In India these specific grades are covered by the IS2790, where guidelines are prescribed for manufacturing 23, 22, 21, 18, 14 & 9 Carat gold alloys. It is important for the consumers to become aware of the terminologies, used in the gold market.

CARAT -                         1 of 24th part by mass of the metallic element Gold.
STANDARD GOLD -    Fineness 995 parts per thousand and above without 
                                        any negative tolerance.
FINENESS -                  Ratio between mass of gold content and total mass 
                                        expressed in parts per thousand.
FINE GOLD -               Having  Fineness 999 parts per thousand without any negative tolerance.

Consumers can find in chart below different grades of the gold, their fineness and Carat values.
Fine Gold                                    999                                            -
Standard Gold                             995                                            -
958.3                                           958                                           23
916.6                                           916                                           22
875                                              875                                           21
750                                              750                                           18
  708                                              708                                           17
585                                             585                                            14
375                                             375                                              9

For manufacturing the ornaments solders play an important roll. When ever a consumer sells ornaments, the traders make a huge discount in the name of solders known as Tanka in the Indian markets. There are standards for this solders also, it should be of same fineness. Details are described in IS3095. 

Solder of 22 carat is only allowed in the jewelry of 23 carat. 
Solder of the same carat should be used for the jewelry of carats of other descriptions.

As now Hall marking is made mandatory for any type of jewelry. It is duty of the consumers to expose those who are selling gold ornament without Hall Mark i.e. without any guarantee to the consumers. 

Consumers can check on the ornament which is Hall Mark following descriptions. 

1. BIS mark, 
2. Purity grade/fineness, 
3. Assay Centers(Certification Center) identification mark, 
4. Year of marking denoted by letter symbol & Jewelers Mark. 

It is also important to note that following ornaments should not be Hall Marked -

1. Those not assayed by BIS recognized centers.
2. Hollow ornaments filled with base element like cement, lac etc.
3. Gold article on which it is physically impossible to stamp the mark.
4. Jewelry below 9 carat of gold.

So remember when you next go for gold jewelry purchase, make sure your purchase is worth.

Friday, 7 June 2013


About 15 years from now, there was a discussion in the meeting of Akhil Bhartiya Grahak Panchayat, an all India based consumer organisation. Subject was that consumers interests comes under the ambit of different ministries i.g. Oil & Natural Gas, Surface Transport, Agriculture, Finance, Power, Telephone, Railway, Civil Aviation Food, civil supply etc. etc.. How a minister given additional charge of consumer Affair ministry along with Food and Civil Supply can safeguard the interests of consumers. This minister neither have any powers to interfere with the working of other ministries, where consumer interests are at stake. Nor have any machinery to look in to such a vast task at district level and beyond. This minister handles all its activities with the machinery provided to him for food and civil supply. If one look in to the effectiveness of this machinery, one will be able to gauge very easily, that what kind of service this machinery is able to provide huge base of consumers. Actually they provide nothing. That is why whole purpose of Consumer Protection Act is defeated, now a days consumer justice machinery, which had started with great fun and fare, cheap justice, speedy justice is reduced in to a complete legal courts, which was incorporated as a forum, with two members from the social work experience. Which are suppose to mediate between Fora's and consumer after realizing and understanding actual problem consumer is facing. Have started behaving like boss'es of a judicial system. Now a days Consumer is afraid to approach these forums, because of complex-ed legality. No matter can be moved forward in absence of a lawyer because of complex-ed legality. Matters are pending for years together. Where is the promise of cheap and speedy justice in THREE month's time. Doe's all those who advocate the idea that it is impossible to deliver judgement with in Three months time, means that all those worked out this enactment and passed this Act. were fools. There are states like Maharashtra, who have issued TUGHLAKI FARMAN'S of more then 40 odd points, a consumer have to compile it before filing a complaint. It has become impossible for Consumer to approach these fora's at his own. The machinery involved in issuing such orders is working at the behest of some individuals, want to reduce this noble and golden act in to ashes.If you go through the soul, definitions and purposes of this enactment, as expressed at various occasions by Justice B V ERADI, first President of National Commission. You will realize, that we are proceeding in opposite direction,not able to keep and maintain promises, given to the consumers of the country by this Act. ministry of Consumer affairs of Center and state have no role to play, except look in to the daily affair of administration of the Fora's, constituted under the Act. This situation is not only with the consumer Protection Act, but where ever consumer protection mechanism is provided it is working in the same style.

Grahak Panchayat workers were discussing ways and means with which Consumer Protection can be given proper shape in India. One of the important point of discussion was to make independent Consumer Ministry, and that it should entrusted with the powers to interfere in to the working of other ministries, where ever consumers interests are at stake, both at center and state level. The minister and department should have extended wings at commissioner and Collector at District level. Need not to say that these officers will have full backing of powers and staff, to take care of consumer interests, in their jurisdiction. Most of the matters will get resolved with the interference of these offices, and the rare one's will only go to the Fora's for solutions. This is going to reduce burden on the Fora's. One can say as it was said that the idea is premature. It may be, we can develop it.

It is on vital importance, how this wide idea, with cost and manpower can be accommodated. If you look at the present scenario, various consumer protection mechanism are in existence in the country but these mechanism's are working in the fragmented position's. The working of these institutions is not different from that of consumer Fora's. Electricity regulatory board have the work of only increasing tariff on the frequent requests of companies. SEBI remains mute spectator when any one comes and gulp crores of rupees of the consumers by floating a chit fund company. In short we have inefficient mechanism of consumer protection in the country. This mechanism is only helping in increasing the grievances of the consumers. Then why not dissolve all these machines of consumer protection or rebuilt them properly. So that all these machines can take care of consumer protection effectively. These machines are constituted so that it can also take care of any mechanism developed in future for consumer protection or welfare. Presently we have number of  Regulatory Boards, judicial systems and many more are going to be constituted in the time to come. Because many more new legislation's are in the Que, for the welfare of the consumers along with full fledged machinery right from the center to district level, be it FOOD SECURITY BILL or REAL ESTATE REGULATION BILL. All these new mechanism required to be created for the welfare of the consumer,with its roots and control at different levels. All These systems if accounted together, have a big cost, which government is already paying, in-spite of this heavy expenditure of the government it is proving ineffective, unable to give due to the consumers of the country, in time, with minimum cost, as promised in these legislation's. Though we are giving more and more powers, security to the consumers. We are unable to achieve desired result. Instead we are proceeding in the direction where all these systems will collapse. It is high time we should start not only thinking but proceeding in this direction by dissolving or bringing all these mechanism's of consumer protection, under one roof. This will start a new era of consumer protection in India.

It is high time to think in the direction of constituting new independent Consumer Affair Ministry at center and state level, with all the powers to interfere or suggest to all other such ministries, where ever consumer interests exists. All mechanism of  consumer welfare, consumer justice i.g. Regulatory boards, judicial or quasi judicial fora's, should be brought under its control, Consumer Secretariat should be constituted at center and state level. The post and departments of Consumer commissioner and Consumer Collectors should be extended up to district level in the country. These officers should be given powers and machinery to handle with all consumer related complaints in connection with food security bill, real estate bill, telephone, electricity, transport, consumer exploitation in the market, financial, railways, water, services provided by the local authorities etc. etc. MADHYA PRADESH is the first state, given node to this idea. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, in a meeting with the office bearers of Grahak Panchayat given node to this idea. And it is in the process.

The system constituted so, will not only be in the easy approach of common consumer, but it will provide speedy and cheap remedy to the consumers in finding the solution of their problems. It will have a check 
 on the financial burden on the center and state as they need not to constitute different mechanism for different kind of problems, furthermore it will accommodate all remedy mechanism of future also. A large mechanism already exists, only government have to reconstitute.  It is high time to develop this idea.