Once my father told me story of a Saint, living in a jungle, far away from the village, devoting all his time in prayers and meditation. Villagers use to visit him frequently, for his discourses. One morning when he was changing dhoti, the only fabric he was using. He noticed some ratted holes in the dhoti. The holes were caused by chewing of the dhoti by rat. This incident increased the worries of the saint. He kept on thinking it all the day, what is to be done. When villagers came in the evening for discourse, they saw the worried saint. They kept on asking the saint, reason for his worry. After too much compulsion the saint repeated the story. They suggested the saint of taming a cat, Cat can easily take care of the Rat, the saint was told. After some resistance the saint gave node for it. Next morning the villagers arranged for a cat. Cat started moving in the Ashram, but started mewing after some time out of hunger, disturbing the saint who was in meditation. Again this new problem was discussed and the solution came in the form of a cow to feed the cat. The cow was brought in the Ashram. Every thing was well, but the saint was busy with the cow and cat for most of the time, not having sufficient time for the prayers and meditation, which was taken by him as a purpose of life. This was a big problem for the saint, it was again discussed and the decision for keeping a maid, who could take care of cat & cow and will make the saint free for his daily routine.The maid is arranged, she started taking care of the cat & cow. she was comforting the saint also by making arrangements for him. The Ashram got converted in to a family house. One fine morning when the saint was sitting for his meditation, this thought came in his mind and he started thinking, how it started. The solution for the problem of ratted Dhoti, has changed whole purpose and motive of his life. Such is our Mid Day Meal Scheme. Started for the welfare of children, have become cage of corruption. You turn any stone you will find only and only corrupt inhuman norms in it.
Mid day meal started in the year 2006, with a golden motif. But it is not different from the story of the saint. Worst part of it, no one is there to take care of it. After the unfortunate incident of Chapara, all the officials and the machinery involved in the implementation of this scheme, and was supposed to be taken to the task, is moving freely. And everyone is just beating the bush, passing the buck. No one is ready to look at the origin of the problem. We all will be surprised
to know, that 50% of the amount allocated for this scheme is preserved for the MONITORING, EVALUATION & MANAGEMENT of the scheme, as per circular no. F.1-15/2009-Desk (MDM) dated 21.06.2010. What this white elephant machinery, gulping 50% amount of the scheme was doing, is it not there responsibility, are they not guilty, should they not to be punished. Why no one is talking for them.
Provision made in the Mid Day Meal Scheme is to give 100 gms. of food grain, 20 gm pulse, 50 gm vegetables, 5 gm oil & fat and Salt & condiments as per requirement for the children studying in Primary and 50% additional quantity of each item for the upper primary children. The schools were given 50% of the fund allocated in the scheme out of which Rs.2.50 per meal for a primary child and 3.75 for the upper primary child is preserved and spent by the schools . And this cost is inclusive of pulses, vegetables, oil & fat, salt and condiments and fuel. Balance grant out of 50% share of the schools. Schools are permitted to spent on Forms, stationary, soaps,plates, glasses, mats, training of cooks, repair & maintenance of cooking vessels etc. These provisions are made in the circular no. F.1-1/2009-Desk (MDM) dated 24.11.2009.
I am sure everyone will understand, why I am calling this scheme as taming of White Elephant. More then 75 % of the money allocated for children is spent for managing the scheme. Share of child is only Rs.2.50 in the money allocated. One can easily imagine, what quality of food children are served. That is why, every now and then we are observing the complaints of insects and rotten food, almost from every part of the country. Even Rs. 2.50 are not spent on the meal articles honestly. If a thorough inquiry is conducted you will find many many loo poles and corruption in the scheme, right from the procurement of the food grains, up to cooking and serving the meals to the children. It happened with me, when I inquired with some of the schools. Off the record they are telling that apart from the quality of food grains they are supplied, it is not easy for them to get their share of money, without paying bribes to the officials. There are two opinions about the quality of food grains, one is complaining for the quality, other is blaming school management, for disposing good quality food grain in the market and procuring lowest quality from the market for children. On asking how they are managing and cooking the meal. They told, it is impossible for them to manage meals with the money they receive after bribing. They compensate it by showing additional strength of the children, they get additional quantity of food grain. This additional quantity of the food grain, and some saving they make in cooking the food by putting less quantity then the allocated, which they sell in the market. The total amount received so, they are managing the things. This is what they have told, we can make it easily, that they are also not innocent as they are posing. They are also engaged in making money out of it. Deteriorating the quality of the food further.
Coming to the solution part of it. We are too much dependent on the government and its machinery. We are not reacting to the evils happening in the society. I am not asking to open fight in every walk of the society.Government machinery can not solve the problems, unless it is hammered. Take the unfortunate incident of Chapara, find out and punish corrupt machinery, but is it going to solve the problem. For some time, officials will feel the heat, then they will return to normal. Even today you go and check Mid day meal served around your area, it will not be difficult for you to find insects and bad smell in the meal.
I am of the opinion that Good things can never comes in the life of a sleeping society. We have social groups, bahajan mandals, senior citizen groups, environment protection groups and several other groups, almost in all the parts of the country. Is there any other more important work then this. Which is going to save future of the nation. Resist whenever, wherever you find any wrong by making representations through delegations, writing letters to media & concerned departments and officials, making complaints in media including social one, holding demonstration in front of the schools and officials. This is the only way of implementing this and several social welfare schemes in the country successfully.